Are you a Victim of Self Sabotage?

“Self sabotage, the act of undermining your own wellness, happiness, and success, whether conscious or not, is you taking on the role of punisher, abuser, or bully…against yourself.”~Stephanie Quilao

Have you ever said something and regretted it merely seconds after it came out of your mouth? Have you found yourself really close to successfully attaining a long awaited goal then doing something to negate everything you’ve done to get there? Are you angry about decisions made in the past but not changing those decisions to reflect who you are now? Are amazing things happening in your life but your focus is on all that’s NOT happening? If so, you may be a victim of self sabotage!

I recently experienced all the above on my birthday….

The day before (and on) my birthday I started receiving birthday wishes and love from friends and clients all over the world. I was delighted beyond words to read every single private message, post, text, and email in addition to the phone calls. My heart was filled with happiness and as one friend put it I was having a “global birthday party”! I was surrounded by a beautifully woven blanket of love and felt the energy in every fiber of my being when suddenly my thoughts turned to those who I WANTED to get messages from but didn’t. I started to get angry that I was always there for them yet they couldn’t take the time to say happy birthday.

For a moment the hundreds of loving messages were negated by simply NOT hearing from two people. I quickly realized that the actions, or in this case inactions, of others controlled what I was having! I quickly let go of those thoughts and got my space back but questions still remained; How many times did I push away love or friendship because of some crazy thought that if it wasn’t from this one or that one that I wasn’t loved? How many times have I lowered my having-ness to match those who couldn’t have ME. (Self sabotage!) It was only a moment but I thank God for awareness and finally being able to see it!

Once I saw this I was able to return to my ‘happy space’ and went off to my party. I decided that those who showed up were the ones who were supposed to be there and I couldn’t wait to celebrate! The surprises kept coming! A dear friend who I wasn’t expecting showed up and I received a text from a lovely man who, when he found out it was my birthday, dropped everything to drive (over an hour) into the city and come to my party. I was seriously bursting with joy! Then it happened again… In all my joy, overwhelmed with love, I started joking around and said something that was rude, insensitive and judgemental.

Although it was not my intention to invalidate something that means a lot to someone I lost my space and did just that. I immediately tried to ‘fix’ what I had said but the more I tried the deeper the hole became. I am blessed to have forgiving, loving people in my life including the person whom I inadvertently, unintentionally and uncharacteristically spoke less than nice words to. In retrospect I couldn’t “have” what was being openly offered and allowed an energy to come through me. How many times had I done this before? Why would I say or be that way? In my human-ness I allowed fear and judgement to seep into my words for no reason at all other than I had lost my space and could not HAVE all the love that surrounded me.

Self sabotage comes in many forms. I see it happening with friends, members in my Weight Watchers® meetings, my clients and myself. What leads to any sort of self sabotage is a lack of having-ness (the ability to embrace and have something) and/or not being able to clear an energy or picture you are holding on to from the past. When you lose your space to an energy or picture all kinds of things come through including judgement, pushing people away or sabotaging your success because you can’t have it. How many times have you said or done something and afterwards wondered why? Instead of asking ‘why’ go within to find the underlying cause. It’s a good bet you’ll find the answer and it may not be what you think!

Although I spent the week beating myself up for being less than compassionate in a mere few sentences I realized that what happened was a blessing in disguise. It showed me I still have a lot to work on this lifetime. It showed me that I’m not only human but I’m perfectly perfect in my IMperfection. It also illuminated those places where I was stuck in a judgement picture and lacking having-ness.

Everything we do or say has an impact on our growth. Be aware of the areas you are sabotaging yourself whether it be a job change, your relationships or your dreams. If you are no longer in alignment with the choices you’ve made in the past which affect you today, it’s perfectly OK to change course, heal and open your eyes to those places where you have gotten in your own way. Stop the madness of self sabotage! Awaken, let go, embrace and raise your having-ness for a beautiful life! If you can have it, the sky’s the limit!~Shine Your Light Debbie

©Debra Taitel 2012 All rights reserved
Daily Muse Home Page

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If you’ve ever wondered about your Happily Ever After this is a wonderful blog to read…

GO FOR THE GOLD! Spiritual Lessons from the Olympics

(Credit ABC)

I love the Olympic games and as a clairvoyant I can’t help but watch as many of the athletes get into the “zone.” There are many lessons we can learn and it doesn’t take a professional psychic to point them out. As you watch the games you can easily see who has cleared their pictures and who hasn’t.

I’ve heard the commentators refer to an athlete who didn’t do well as having the ‘Olympic jitters’ but it’s more than that. The athletes must own their space, have certainty, clear any fear of failure and know with every fiber of their being they have the ability to reach their goals. They must know beyond a shadow of a doubt they have what it takes.

Every athlete participating has trained countless hours, qualified through other competitions and each of them is ready to go for the gold. While they represent their countries as part of a team they compete as individuals. They cannot let pictures of fear or failure creep into their performance. They must WANT that gold medal and KNOW they are ready. There is no doubt in the minds of those who actually win a medal. You hear it time and time again in the interviews; their goal is to go out there, stay focused and do the very best for themselves, their team and their country. In spiritual terms they must be in the “zone” and free from negative influences. They must find gold  to win gold. If you apply this to your own life you will indeed open up to golden opportunities!

You’ve trained for this moment your whole life!

You have lifetimes of experience (training) to draw upon. Consider that every moment of your life you are learning and in training for the next thing that comes along. As eternal spirit you have information from other lifetimes. Whatever happens in this current lifetime as spirit you’ve trained for it and you have the ability and the knowledge to get through it. Owning your space, standing in your truth (grounding) and surrounding yourself in a healing gold energy bubble gives you strength and certainty in your choices. Know and remind yourself that all you’ve gone through in your life is a part of training for whatever is next and that you’re ready no matter what it is! There is beauty in knowing because it brings your attention back from the future and calms both your spirit and body. You no longer have to fear or worry about the future or an outcome because you KNOW you can handle it! When doubt or fear comes to mind, re-focus and get back into your “zone”.

Spiritual Competition Destroys!

Competing in the Olympics, or anything else one competes in, is fine. It’s fun, we root for and support our teams and at times compete with ourselves in the sense of trying to get better but competition on an energy level is a different story. The energy vibration of competition destroys. This is a spiritual truth. Jealousy, envy, worrying about what someone else is doing or thinking you are ‘above’ someone else stops your spiritual growth. It will slowly eat away at you causing misery and in some cases disease. Spiritual competition takes your attention completely outside of you and stops the flow of your creative energy. Think of what would happen if instead of an athlete wanting to do their best, they were more concerned with the other guy? The shift in focus puts their attention on someone else and takes away from what they need to do. When your attention and focus is on you it helps center you so you can get access to your own abilities of inner strength and creativity.

There’s more than enough gold to go around!

Gold is a healing energy and, unlike the one Olympic gold medal per event, there is a limitless supply. Why would you want someone else’s gold vibration when you have your own? Picture a golden sun above your head and have it shine down on you. Allow it to fill you up until it fountains back out the top of your head and fully surrounds you in a bubble of golden light. All you have to do is visualize. As spirit you’ve trained lifetimes and have information for this moment. Remember you are spirit with the ability to find and access gold anywhere at any time.  Banish thoughts of doubt or fear. Gold is yours for the taking. Allow it to heal and protect you. Proudly stand on the winners podium surrounded in gold. Use this energy often to open the doors of golden opportunity. Are you ready to GO FOR THE GOLD?~Shine Your Light Debbie

©Debra Taitel 2012 All rights reserved
Daily Muse Home Page

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