(224) 300-0576 [email protected]

Free Guided Meditations

For Spiritual Seekers and Awakening Souls of All Levels



Guided Meditations

Inner Peace and Psychic Awareness for Mind Body, and Spirit.

Debra is pleased to give you FREE access to previously recorded guided meditations.

The meditations offer life-changing techniques to enlighten, heal, empower, and enhance spiritual growth as you use your natural psychic abilities in each meditation.

Meditations are for spiritual seekers, from beginners to those who currently practice meditation.

While we recognize the many different types of meditation, these meditations have you sitting upright with your feet on the floor.

Enjoy a few moments of peace and transform your life as Debra gently guides you to take charge of your inner world and experience a sacred and joyful space within.

You are welcome to listen to or download the meditations.

If you have questions or want more information on Meditation Classes and Workshops or the Clairvoyant Development program, please email me at [email protected].

Holiday Meditation Series

Many people find the holidays emotionally challenging. Every year, I offer a holiday meditation series to help guide you back to your light. Choose the meditation that feels right to you.

Featured Video

Previously Recorded Workshops

Transforming Chaos to Calm 60-Minute Guided Meditation     
This guided meditation invites you to connect with the part of you that naturally radiates peace and calm as you step out of the chaos and transform the energy of chaos to calm. Listen as Debra gently guides you to “unmatch” the chaos, free your spirit and clear your vision.

Show Me the Money! 60-Minute Guided Meditation
It’s not just about money, this class is all about prosperity and abundance! Would you like to raise your having-ness for money, a relationship, abundance, or anything else you wish for? Sometimes it’s not whether you can create and manifest but your ability to “have” what it is you want.

This meditation will guide you to your true vibration of prosperity and give you techniques on how to raise your having-ness and increase your money flow. (Recorded 2019)

More guided meditations

Choose the one that resonates. Feel free to reach out with your questions. Happy transformation!

Ready to join us for a class or workshop?

Have questions? Contact me.
My philosophy is that every spirit is unique, so whether it’s a quick email, detailed message, phone call, or text, please don’t hesitate to reach out in a way that works best for you.

Phone: (224) 300-0576

Email: [email protected]

Our services are not intended as a replacement for medical attention.
For this reason, if you are seeking medical and/or mental health advice or
treatment please see your health care professional.